Well, here we are, how is it going everyone? This is the 800th post from Team Infinite Limitless, all of us right now are quite steaming and partying like crazy after one very long crazy year. We have all worked hard, all gone through the mincer with the virus situation but right now quite happily cranking up the tunes this evening smashing quite a few beverages. We’ve even had some indoor mountain biking, extreme tabletop pogo and some sort of weird cardboard stair gliding going on, don’t ask, it didn’t work! Fantastic evening anyway. It is crazy to think this started out as just a journal, but it has grown so much. I thank you, we all thank you for bringing us together, thank you for liking, subscribing, following, sharing and listening to the music. There has been talk of a radio station and even some live sessions for upcoming posts but we will indeed, see what is happening! To all our friends across the world, thank you for tuning in! Thank you for rating us the worlds number 1 music blog. We will continute to find the wolrds most sweetest music and bring it here so you have the fine pleasure of listening! Make sure to suppor the atists and get on board!

The IL Team!

Perfect track! Feint, We Won’t Be Alone, feat Laura Brehm — Monstercat – OH yes, haven’t Monstercat grown this year!!!


There is something about this music, something that makes you want to step away from the lights, the noise of normal society and find a quiet candle lit tarven somwhere in the middle of nowhere. Pour yourself an ale or mead… or both and kick it back while rain is hitting the windows and the wind is howling with maybe some thunder in the distance. It was hammering down here not to long ago and you could hear the thunder in the distance over the mountains. Has anyone ever been to a place like this?